Thursday, April 21, 2016

5 ways to get free reviews for iPhone app on App Store

If you are an app developer, you probably know that review is important.
Yes, review is really, really important.
There are 2 big reasons.

1. Increase conversion rate.
There is a big difference between 4.2 stars and 2.8 stars for user psychology.
If your app's average rating is more than 4, you are okay. but if your rating is less than 4 or nothing, you are in trouble.

2. Increase visibility
According to this article, roughly 50% of your users come from search on AppStore.
50% is big.
The question is what affect the Apple's search algorithm and how we can improve it.
Nobody know that and Apple and Google keep evolving the algorithm, we will never know that.
But it seems the number of users, the number of reviews are important part of it.
In a nut shell, getting more and more user and reviews can improve your visibility.

Here's 4 open source libraries you can integrate and 1 web site you can use to get free reviews.
Everything is free.

#1 iRate 
iRate is a library to help you promote your iPhone and Mac App Store apps by prompting users to rate the app after using it for a few days.

#2 CNPPopupController
CNPPopupController is another open source SDK which you can use to beg users to write reviews.

#3 Armchair
You can also use Armchair.

#4 Appirater
Appirater is another choise.

#5 Favorr
Favorr is not a open source library for showing review begging popups,  but kind of developer community where app developers review each others apps.  Since showing popup is sometimes destroying good user experiences, developer have to be careful how often or when to show popup.

Review is critical for app marketing.
Problem is getting review without compromising UI/UX is hard.

Looks like Apple is thinking about selling Google's Adwords-like as on iTunes.
If you have money, maybe you can buy good visibility here.

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